
The payment process will take place in two steps:
1-Registration fees : the payment online of the registration fees will validate your participation in the summer school.

Registration fees include:
 Participation to the whole summer school
 Summer school dinner
 Shuttles from Ajaccio airport to Cargèse on Monday afternoon July the 11th and from Cargèse to Ajaccio Airport on Saturday morning July the 23rd.

Registration fees (amounts can still change slightly)
Please note that lodging is not included in the registration free
Registration fees
PhD, Postdocs, researchers CNRS Free
PhD, Postdocs Gi-Core 450 €
PhD, Postdocs non CNRS or Gi-Core 550 €
Academic participants non CNRS 650 €
Industrial participants 850 €

Please note that lodging is not included in the registration fees 

2-Lodging fees are paid on arrival : approximately 700 € VAT included for 2 weeks
Accomodation fees cover accomodation in shared room for the duration of the summer school (12 nights) as well as lunches and coffee breaks.


See also...

Application form

Application Form 

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Chris Bowman, Colorado University Annie Brûlet, CEA Saclay Matteo Ciccotti, ESPCI Paris Ralph Colby, Penn State University Emanuela (...) 

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